The FIFA Code of Conduct defines the most important values and principles for behavior and conduct with FIFA as well as with external parties. The observances of the principles laid down in the Code of Conduct is essential to FIFA and its objectives, in particular to protect and improve the game of football constantly and promote it globally in the light of its unifying, educational, cultural and humanitarian values, particularly through youth and developmental programs, and prevent any methods or practices which might jeopardise the integrity of matches orcompetitors or give rise to abuse of association of football.
The Code of Conduct applies to all members of the FIFA family, namely,
-Officials: officials are board members, committee members, referees and assistant’s referees, coaches, trainers and any other persons responsible for technical, medical and administrative matters at FIFA, a confederation, association, league or club.
-FIFA employees
-Associations, members of associations, match officials, player’s agents and match agents as defined in the FIFA Statutes.
As a member of the FIFA family, we shall at all times comply with the following principles:
3.1 Integrity and ethical behavior
We all behave ethically and act with integrity in all situations, keeping in mind that a reputation for integrity is of utmost importance to FIFA and its objectives.
3.2 Respect and dignity
We treat everyone with respect, and protect the personal dignity, privacy and personal rights of every human being.
3.3 Zero tolerance of discrimination and harassment
We are committed to a diverse culture. There shall be no discrimination as a result of race, ethnicity, origin, skin color, nationality, religion, age, gender, language, physical appearance, sexual orientation or political opinion, or engagement in any kind of verbal or physical harassment based on any of the above-mentioned or any other criteria.
3.4 Fair play
We believe in the importance of fair play guiding us at all times in all our actions and decisions.
3.5 Compliance with laws, rules and regulations
We comply with all applicable laws and adhere to internal rules and regulations, including respecting stakeholders’ interest.
3.6 Avoidance of conflicts of interest
We act always in the best interest if FIFA and its objectives. It is the personal responsibility of each member of the FIFA family to avoid any conflict of interest.
3.7 Transparency and compliance
We seek transparency and strive to maintain a good compliance culture with checks and balances.
3.8 Social and environmental responsibility
We are committed to taking our social and environmental responsibility seriously. We want to contribute to positive social change through football, and aim to minimize the negative impact of all our activities on the environment and to promote sustainability within our sphere of influence.
3.9 Fight against drugs and doping
We want to play a pioneering role in the fight against drugs and doping in sport. We are strictly against drugs and all doping practices.
3.10 Zero tolerance of bribery and corruption
We reject and condemn all forms of bribery and corruption.
3.11 No betting or manipulation
We do not take part in betting connected with football and do not tolerate any form of manipulation or unlawful influencing of match results.
A. The rules of play shall be the laws of the game as published by FIFA except as modified for the benefit of youth soccer by the United States Soccer Federation (USSF), the United States Youth Soccer Association (USYSA), the California Youth Soccer Association South (CALSOUTH) and the Apple Valley Youth Soccer League (AVYSL).
B. No team registered with AVYSL can play any other team not officially sanctioned by CALSOUTH. Any AVYSL affiliate team desiring to play CALSOUTH sanctioned teams outside AVYSL must submit written request to the AVYSL Board of Directors. Said request must identify the teams and leagues involved and the proposed date/time/place of the game and the person (s) responsible for arranging
C. Coaches are not allowed to reschedule games without authorization! All requests for reschedule must be made during the first two weeks of the season and will only be considered, rescheduling is not guaranteed. No other reschedules will be considered after the first two weeks, except for emergency situations. It is understood that the U-18 divisions are unique and reschedules will be considered on a case-by-case bases
throughout the season as needed. The Head Coach must request to reschedule a game through the Director of Coaches, Head Coach must show due cause for the request. The Director of Coaches will present the request to the Executive Board. The Executive Board will evaluate the request and approve or deny the request with a simple majority vote. Unauthorized rescheduled games will result in forfeiture of the game and counted as a LOSS for both teams.
D. Running up the score is not allowed, an advantage of more than eight (8) goals over that of your opponent is defined as Running up the score. Every effort must be made by a team not to run up the score. Coaches will be warned after the first offense, any further violations will result in the coach having to appear in front of the Disciplinary Committee and facing possible action, which can include suspension, removal, and/or forfeiture. May include forfeiture, suspension of coach, and/or losing point(s) in standings.
E. All coaches and assistant coaches for regular or post season play must be approved by the AVYSL Board of Directors, prior to taking charge of or being involved with any team.
F. Violation of the AVYSL Rules and Regulations as stated herein shall be grounds for disciplinary action and or censure and suspension from further participation in AVYSL or any CALSOUTH affiliate member league, team or club.
G. The Rules, Regulations and Procedures of AVYSL can only be changed/altered/or added to, by a majority vote of the AVYSL Board of Directors. (Except as noted within the Rules, Regulations and Procedures).
H. Determination of end of season standings is as follows: Each win is worth 3 points. No points awarded for a loss. 1 point awarded for a tie game. The team with the most points at the end of regulation play will be the winner of the division. In case of a tie in the division, rule IX (B) under “Commissioner’s Cup Teams” will apply.
I. Only a majority vote of the AVYSL Executive Board may terminate or cause any game to be finalized prior to its normal conclusion.
The seasonal year shall begin on January 1 and shall end July 31 of the following year.
A. The Registrar shall be responsible for insuring proper registration of the players, affiliation of the teams, proper accounting of all transactions and accurate reporting to the Board of Directors.
B. Each team official (Coach, Asst. Coach, and Manager) shall be listed on the proper CalSouth Team a. Registration Form. Players must use their full first name and last name on all registration materials.
C. A person becomes an officially registered player only after verification of age and acceptance of a completed registration form by the Registrar.
D. No boy or girl shall be allowed to participate in a AVYSL practice or game until duly registered.
E. The Board of Directors will determine time limit for registration.
F. Prior to submission for registration to CALSOUTH, once a player is officially placed on a team, that player is considered to be a member of that team. Once teams are formed, transfers will be entertained by the Board of Directors for circumstances causing an extreme hardship on a family. Such requests for transfer must be presented in writing to the Board of Directors and include written consent of the involved parents or guardians.
A. The Board of Directors of this league shall annually establish the player registration fees of the affiliated
B. There are no refunds on registration fees. However, a parent may submit a refund request to the Board of
Directors for extenuating circumstances
A. A youth player is identified as an amateur player who has not attained the age of 18 prior to the first day of
January of the current seasonal year.
B. A youth player attaining the limit age for any group on or before the first day of January of the current seasonal year shall play for the reminder of current seasonal year with and in the age group into which the player was registered for the current seasonal year.
C. Age Divisions shall be comprised of players who are, before the first day of January of the current seasonal year, in the following age classification:
Under 18 Player not turned 18 before January 1 of the current seasonal year.
Under 17 Player not turned 17 before January 1 of the current seasonal year.
Under 14 Player not turned 14 before January 1 of the current seasonal year.
Under 12 Player not turned 12 before January 1 of the current seasonal year.
Under 10 Player not turned 10 before January 1 of the current seasonal year.
Under 8 Player not turned 8 before January 1 of the current seasonal year.
Under 6 Player not turned 6 before January 1 of the current seasonal year and Tiny Tots 2 year olds may play provided the parent has own insurance and that the child is a retention (3&4 yr olds) player for a coach.
A. Proof of age documentation may consist of “Original Registered” or “Certified” document in the form of a birth certificate, a United States Board of Health Record, a passport, a Certificate of Naturalization, a United
PG 3
States Alien Registration card, or a United Stated Military Identification Card.
B. No reproduction or photocopies or document, which have not been officially Certified, may be accepted as “Original” age documentation, except as authorized by registrar.
C. The Board of Directors of any affiliated league, or of this league, may request Proof of age by directing the request, in writing, to the team coach or manager of the player for who proof is sought to be established.
Copies of the written request must also be directed to the Board of the Directors of this league and the appropriate league of the other administrative authority. Proof of age shall be presented within forty -eight hours of the presentation of such written request. Failure to respond to such request shall result in the immediate suspension of the player and forfeiture of all league games in which that player participate
A. Maximum number of players per team will be determined by the Board of Directors. No team shall be allowed to have less than seven (except For Tiny Tots and U-6) and not more than eighteen players at any time.B. During regularly scheduled games, the number of fielded players for Tiny Tots, U-6, U-8, teams will be determined by the Board of Directors. Inability to field seven players will result in an automatic forfeit except
in age divisions normally fielding nine or seven, where six, five or four players respectively will be the absolute minimum.
Under 18 two 40 min. halves # 5 11 7
Under 14 two 35 min. halves # 5 11 7
Under 12 two 30 min. halves # 4 9 6
Under 10 two 25 min. halves # 4 7 5
Under 8 two 25 min. halves # 3 7 does not apply
Under 6 two 20 min. halves # 3 6 does not apply
Tiny Tots two 15 min. halves # 3 Varies does not apply
Game length and ball size for age groups other than those designated shall be that of the next higher age group.
No overtime periods in the regular season play.
Game time is a running clock
A. At the end of the regular season, if there is a tie for first or second, the Tiebreaker criteria listed (B) below will be used, in order to determine which team (s) go to Commissioner’s Cup.
B. Tiebreaker Criteria is: 1. Head to Head 2. Goals Allowed 3. Play-Off Game. Play-Off game will be a One Game Regulation Time Game, in the event of a tie at the end of regulation play, the teams will play an overtime game immediately after the play-off game. There will be a 15-minute break prior to the start of overtime. The game will be two complete 10 minute halves, with a 5-minute halftime, no golden goal, the teams will switch sides at the end of the first 10 minutes, the team with the most goals at the end of the second 10-minute half will be declared the division’s winner and awarded first place and the loser will be declared the division’s second place team. Should the game be tied at the end of the second 10-minute half, the game will go to a shoot-out) 4. Shoot-Out. (Shoot-Out will follow FIFA Rules for “Kicks from
the Penalty Mark”).
A. Any player wearing any orthopedic device (this includes hard casts, reinforced braces and splints, or rigid upper limb prosthesis), even if covered with a protective surface will not be allowed to play in any regular schedule or tournament game. Any Velcro and laced materials must be safely secured.
B. No metal or jewelry of any type may be worn during the game; i.e., stud type earrings, necklaces, hair clips, no taping, no sponge covers, No exceptions. Medical bracelets or medical necklaces are excluded from this PG 4
but must be taped securely.
C. The coach or asst. coach must have at all practices and games the player’s emergency medical treatment authorization forms.
D. In the event of an injury, contact the Registrar. Complete the insurance claim form with all required information and submit within 48 hours.
E. SHIN GUARDS ARE MANDATORY and will be worn under the uniform socks. Folding socks down and over is not allowed. Shoes with full metal cleats are not allowed.
F. Fingernails will not extend beyond the natural tip of the finger.
G. No headgear is allowed; i.e. bandanas, sweatbands, hats, caps, etc. Only headgear allowed will be FIFA approved headgear specifically for soccer.
H. No headers in U12 or below per CalSouth Laws of the Game.
A. When the uniforms of two competing teams are similar in color and appearance, the home team shall effect a change to colors, which are distinct from those of the opponent. Home team is that team listed first on the schedule.
A. The coaches of teams participating in each and every game are responsible for having the field area policed and trash picked up at the completion of games.
B. Teams must have specific authorization from the Field Assignment Coordinator/League Registrar to hold any practice or unscheduled game at the AVYSL Fields. Violations may result in d disciplinary action, which could include suspension or removal of the Coach.
C. Teams and spectators of said teams must be on opposite sides of the filed of play. Home team is team listed first on the game schedule, home team shall setup on the WEST or SOUTH side of the field of play, as appropriate.
D. The Board of Directors will set up the dimensions of the playing fields.
G. All areas within the field must be defined and marked according to FIFA Law.
H. It is the Coaches duty to police and inspect the field of play before each game to identify and remove any hazard.
A. Substitutions for teams will be made approximately midway through each half. The referee shall stop the game during a NORMAL STOPPAGE OF PLAY or when the ball is in the area of midfield (prior to a kick-off, goal kick, injury restart, throw-in) and call for substitutes. The referee shall note on the line-up card the players substituting and substituted for. All players concerned shall promptly report to the referee. These substitutes can also be made at half.
Note: Time is not stopped for substitutes. If an injured player returns to the game during the same quarter
he was substituted, he must replace the player that substituted for him/her.
C. Substitutes will enter the field of play at the halfway line, and only after the player they are replacing has left the field at the halfway line.
D. 75% is highly recommended for each player. No player in any age group will be subjected to playing only 50% of a game for more than half of the scheduled games during the season. If a player only plays 50% of a game for half of the scheduled games, then the player must play a minimum of 75% of each of the remaining games. Violation of this rule may result in a team forfeiting all games in which the rule was violated and the coach(s) being brought in front of the Disciplinary Committee for disciplinary action, which may include suspension or removal. There are two possible exceptions to this rule; 1) A request for exception to this rule must be done in writing by the player’s parent and directed to the Director of Coaches, requests will only be considered for health reasons. 2) A request for exception to this rule must be done in writing by the Head Coach and directed to the league President, request will only be considered for disciplinary reasons.
E. U-10 age group - must use at least two different goalkeepers per game. No one child can play in the goal for more than half the game. If a child plays in the goal for two quarters that child must also play one quarter on the field in a position other than goalie for that game. Violation of this rule will result in forfeiture
(counted as a loss) of all games in which this rule was violated
A. Coaching from the sidelines (coaches, asst. coaches or spectators giving direction to their own team on points of strategy and position is permitted in accordance with the following:
1. No mechanical devices are used.
2. The tone of voice is informative and not harangues.
3. Each coach, substitute or player is to stay within the coaching area: Ten yards either side of the
halfway line.
4. No coaching is allowed from behind either goal (except as outlined in U-6 and U-8 rules) or from the opponents’ side of the field, by anyone.
B. Coaches are responsible for the behavior and actions of their team members, assistants, and spectators as
1. No coach, substitutes, player or spectator shall make derogatory remarks or gestures to referees, players, substitutes, other spectators or league officials.
2. No coach, substitute, player or spectator shall use profanity.
3. No coach, substitute, player or spectator shall incite in any manner disruptive behavior of any kind.
4. No coach, substitute, player or spectator will be allowed to observe the game from along the goal
line area.
5. No coach, player, substitute, parent, or spectator will enter the field of play without permission of the
center referee.
A. The referee shall require that both teams enter all appropriate information on a Referee Game Report Form (line-up card) prior to the start of the game.
B. Upon completion of the game and before signing the report form, the referee shall check the accuracy thereof. Then have the coach of each team verify the accuracy of the line-up card and note any discrepancies and have each coach sign the card on the backside. The referee shall give the report to the AVYSL Director of Referees or his designated representative at the end of said referee’s day or if time does not permit, within 24 hours of the game, holidays excluded.
A. The referee’s judgment with regard to the physical conditions of the field and its acceptability for play, to the actual happening and occurrences related to the conduct of the game and those prerogative granted to the referee by “Laws of the Game” as published by FIFA, shall not be challenged. A Referee may suspend a game long enough to seek assistance from a Field Marshall whenever in the judgment of the Referee the conduct of the sideline of either team dictates the need for immediate assistance due to a threatening or intimidating environment. During this temporary suspension both team are to remain on their respective sidelines until all issues have been addressed. The game clock will be stopped during this time and the game clock and game will resume from the suspended point forward to normal regulation time. As an
example - game suspended in second half with 8 minutes left in regulation time, game will be restarted and played only for the 8 minutes left in regulation time.
B. The decisions, powers and duties of the referee regarding facts connected with play, including whether or
not a goal is scored and the result of the match, are final and as outlined in Law 5 of the FIFA Laws of the
A. In the event one of the teams delays the start of the game by more than 15 minutes, it shall be noted on the game report form (line-up card) by the referee and the game will be declared a forfeit and counted as a loss with the score one to zero.
B. A forfeited game may be played as a “friendly” game by mutual consent of both coaches; however, both must enter a statement on the game report form that they understand the game is unofficial and the score remains 1-0 in favor of the non-forfeiting team regardless of the outcome of the “friendly” game.
A. An allegation of misconduct or appeal must be filed in writing on the appropriate form and should include:
1. The nature and the specifics of the complaint
2. A listing of the rules or procedures, which are alleged to have been violated.
3. A statement of desired results.
B. The original document of allegation of misconduct or appeal must be in the hands of the AVYSL Board
member within 72 hours of the incident.
C. A $25.00 forfeitable fee must accompany all filings. The fee will be forfeited to the AVYSL treasury if the
allegation is not upheld.
D. All misconduct hearings and appeal hearings shall be conducted in accordance with the AVYSL disciplinary
and Appeal hearing procedures.
A. Serves to review grievances/issues relevant to the game, concerning the conduct of coaches, players, referees, linesman, parents, and spectators. A Board member, coach, or age Coordinator will bring parental concerns to committee only. Decisions will be rendered by a simple majority vote. Committee may recommend no action taken. Decisions may be overruled by a 2/3-majority vote of the Board of Directors.
Grievances/issues must be received in writing prior to committee action. The Committee will be composed of the Vice-President, Director of Coaches and the Director of Referees unless there is a conflict of interest by a committee member; or if any of those positions are vacant, the AVYSL Board of Directors or Executive Board shall determine replacement.
B. AVYSL Board of Directors reserves the right to have the Review/Disciplinary Committee investigate any
violation to the AVYSL Rules and Regulations or any allegation of misconduct.
A. Once a player or parent has signed Player Registration Form and player is officially placed on a team, said
player is bound to his / her team for the entire seasonal year. Each player becomes a “free agent” for the
purpose of registration for the following seasonal year.
B. There will be no transfers/trading of players during the regularly scheduled season.
C. Any team dropping a player must notify the AVYSL Registrar as to when the player was dropped, why the
player was dropped and return the medical release form to the Registrar.
A. Each AVYSL team shall be held primarily and solely accountable for the conduct of persons associated with the member team in any manner whatsoever.
B. During any game sanctioned by or scheduled by AVYSL, or any CALSOUTH affiliated member league or team, a referee or League Official may stop the game and eject any spectator, coach, or player from the grounds (the field of play and areas surrounding the field and fields near the field upon which the game is being played), if in the opinion of the referee or League Official, the offender is guilty of violent conduct, serious foul play, or the use of foul or abusive language, or if the conduct is deemed to be interference of any kind by the offender. Or as designated in; LAW V-REFEREES-in FIFA Laws of the Game.
C. Any player shown the RED CARD by the Referee for violent conduct (which includes but is not limited to fighting or striking anyone or spiting at anyone) will be sent off the field for the remainder of the current game and suspended for an additional two (2) complete games. Any player shown the RED CARD by the Referee for any action other than violent conduct, will be sent off the field for the remainder of the current game and
suspended for an additional one (1) complete game except as provided by rule “D” below. A player shown the RED CARD will not be substituted for and his/her team will play the remainder of the current game a player short. Any Coach or spectator shown the RED CARD by the Referee will be sent from the property (which includes the entire area bound by the fence line) for the remainder of the current game and suspended from the property for an additional one (1) complete game. Any Coach or spectator asked to leave the field area by any league official but not shown the RED CARD will be sent from the immediate field of play for the remainder of the current game. In all cases where a coach is removed from a game and there is no assistant or registered team or league official available to coach the team for the remainder of the game, the game will be halted and the offending team will forfeit said game. In cases of ejection, the referee must provide a written report of the incident to the Director of Referees or the league Vice -President, within 24 hours of the incident. The Director of referees or league Vice-President will insure the suspension is complied with. In the event a suspended coach or player does not comply with the suspension, the game(s) in which the violation of the suspension occurred will be forfeited. Any Coach, Spectator or Player shown the RED CARD may appeal the suspension to the Director of Coaches within 48 hours. The Director of Coaches will immediately forward the appeal to the Chairman of the Review/Disciplinary Committee who will convene the Review/Disciplinary Committee to review the appeal. The AVYSL Board of Directors and or the Review/Disciplinary Committee reserve the right to review all Red Card Offenses for further disciplinary action. For the sake of this rule, a forfeited game DOES NOT count as a complete game
D. The coach will substitute for players receiving a yellow card. The substituted player may return to the field of play at the next normal stoppage of play at the discretion of the center referee. For play without free substitution, the player must return only for the player that was substituted for him / her. If no substitute is available, the offending team will play short. If a player receives two (2) yellow cards in the same game, the
player will be shown the RED CARD and the player will be removed and not allowed to play in the remainder of the game and his/her team will play the remainder of the game, a player short.
E. At no time will foul or abusive language or inappropriate behavior be permitted at any AVYSL field or facility. Such misconduct may result in an immediate ejection from the field of play.
F. Drinking alcoholic beverages will not be permitted at any game or practice sanctioned by or regularly scheduled by AVYSL or any CALSOUTH affiliated member league or team.
G. After being ejected from the field of play or AVYSL grounds any player, coach or spectator that exhibits unsporting behavior in any fashion including but not limited to foul or abusive language or inappropriate behavior will be subject to disciplinary review and additional game(s) suspension(s) may be imposed, as deemed appropriate
A. Practice sessions during the regular season are defined as any gathering in which for U-10 age groups and below 4 or more members and U-12 age groups and above 5 or more members of the same team that are involved together in any of the following activities outside of their assigned practice day;
1) any activity organized by or supervised by the coach or any team member, or anyone else associated with the team or any other AVYSL team that is intended to maintain or improve a player’s skills and/or proficiency AND/OR
2) any activity organized by or supervised by the coach or any team member, or anyone else associated with the team or any other AVYSL team that includes stretching, conditioning, warm -up, cool-down, skill drills, game situation drills, inter-squad scrimmages or games AND/OR
3) Meetings or get-togethers outside of assigned practice day or time where any elements of these
definitions may be applied. This rule is not intended to prevent any players from assisting with practice sessions of teams in which the
players of said team are in a younger age group than the assisting players or prevent siblings from engaging
in activities together.
B. Under no circumstances shall any coach allow a non-registered child to participate with his / her team.
C. Under no circumstances, can any coach allow a player for whom he/she does not have a medical release
form, participate with his/her team, unless that player’s parent / guardian is present and received prior
authorization from the Registrar.
D. Practice days, times and locations will be assigned by the AVYSL Registrar and any deviation from
assigned days, times or location must have prior authorization from the Registrar. The AVYSL Board of
Directors must approve the use of the AVYSL fields and or use of lights for any practice sessions.
E. Time limit for practice sessions per age group is as follows and a practice session shall be no longer then as
outlined (Tournament Play Excluded)
Age group:
TT Maximum of one, one-hour practices plus one game.
U-6 Maximum of one, one-hour practices plus one game.
U-8 Maximum of two, one-hour practices plus one game.
U-10 Maximum of two, one and one half-hour practices plus one game.
U-12 Maximum of two, one and one half-hour practices plus one game.
U-14 Maximum of two, two-hour practices plus one game
U-17 Maximum of two, two-hour practices plus one game
U-18 Maximum of three, two-hour practices plus one game.
Note: Practice periods for age groups other than those designated shall be that of the next higher age group.
F. During Spring Season, teams are limited to one practice plus one game.
G. A Scrimmage is considered a practice session and is defined as an informal game between two different teams or two units of the same team, where coaches may stop play for instructional purposes.
1) Scrimmages shall count in the team’s maximum number of weekly practice session
PG 9
2) You may only scrimmage teams you will play in your own age and group division or a team above
and/or below your age group during the regular season. A team may scrimmage a club team in their
own age group or that is at least one age group younger than your division and only after your ten-
game scheduled season in fall. All teams must be registered and part of CALSOUTH.
H. Practice start-dates are established for all teams by the AVYSL Board of Directors. No team may practice or scrimmage prior to any date set by the Board.
I. Reported violations will be investigated immediately by the appropriate age coordinator and if the allegations are confirmed the age coordinator will verbally warn the head coach that further violations will result in disciplinary action and the findings will be reported to the Vice President and appropriate Director of Coaches. A second violation will be immediately reported by the age coordinator to the Vice President and appropriate Director of Coaches prior to the violating team’s next scheduled practice day. Each day that such prohibited activity has been shown to have occurred shall result in a loss of 1 practice day immediately following the determination of the violation, such sanction shall be immediately imposed by the Vice President and the head coach of the violating team notified of the sanction and told that further violation will result in review by the Disciplinary Committee and subject to disciplinary actions. Further violations will be brought to the Disciplinary Committee for review and the results will be forwarded to the Board of Directors. These additional violations may result in additional sanctions, such as, further reduction of practices days or scrimmages for the remainder of the current season, removal of the head coach and / or assistant coach from post-season competition, or other appropriate sanctions as determined by the AVYSL Board of Directors.
J. This rule (XXIII) as stated here in is applicable to season play. Practice sessions for tournament and/or post season competitions are exempt from this rule but subject to any regulations as directed by the AVYSL Rules and Procedures and/ or as directed by the AVYSL Board of Directors.
A. Falsification of records, documents, player identification passes, or in any other matters or, manner, shall be grounds for censure and / or suspension from further participation and membership in AVYSL or any CALSOUTHS affiliated member league, team or club.
A. Apple Valley Youth Soccer League (AVYSL) specifically disclaims financial responsibility for, and shall not assume nor be held liable for debts or financial obligations, either expressed or implied, of any coach, assistant coach, manager, official, or member of any team.
A. When any person shall assault “an official”, the original jurisdiction to adjudicate the matter shall vest immediately in the CALSOUTH Board of Directors.
B. An “assault” in this regulation shall be defined as battery upon an official and an act that is close to accomplishment (not mere act of “preparation”) shall be sufficient to constitute an assault on an official.
C. Official defined: An official, for the sole purpose of the Apple Valley Youth Soccer League regulation, shall be defined as a referee, official linesman, player, coach, assistant coach, league official or a member of the Board of Directors of this league.
D. Such assault shall be grounds for censure and suspension from further participation and membership in AVYSL and CALSOUTH.
A A Coaches Selection Committee will be formed prior to the start of any season of play. The Board of Directors will appoint the committee and Chairman. The league registrar will be an advisor to this Committee. Persons interested in coaching will complete a AVYSL Coaching Application. The registrar will compile the applications of all perspective coaches for the committee to discuss and approve or deny. The committee will compile an approved list of coaches and present the list to the Board of Directors for final approval prior to any season player draft. If a regular board meeting is not scheduled prior to any draft the Coaches Selection Committee Chairman will request a special meeting and he/she will insure the Board in its entirety are notified of this special meeting. The request for this special meeting and its quorum will be as defined in n the AVYSL BY-LAWS. In the event a complete list is not available due to coaching vacancies the list of coaches up to that point will be presented to the Board of Directors. All vacancies filled after this approval meeting, may be approved solely by the committee. In the event of an urgency to approve a coach, the Chairman of the Coaches Selection Committee or if they are unavailable, the league President or his/her designee will make such approvals.
B. Any Coaches selected must be in good standing, no monies owed and be in the best interest of the league.
C. All individuals requesting to coach (Head coach or Assistant coach) in the league for any season (fall or spring) must complete an AVYSL Coaching Application, sign the Coaches Code of Ethics Pledge and complete all CALSOUTH – South, risk management requirements including live scan background check prior to taking charge of any team. The application and pledge must be resubmitted each and every season.
D. Coaches when you pay for an E license and ask for reimbursement a contract will be signed by you stating that you promise and are committed for two fall seasons of a full commitment coaching on a team at A.V.Y.S.L.
E. An Individual can be the Head Coach of a maximum of two teams, unless that individual obtains the express permission of the President or Vice President.
F. Coaches are required to submit player ratings for each of their teams by the end of the regular season.
I. The following are the maximum players and points allowed prior to the start of the draft. Any player selected to be
placed on a team prior to the draft; other than the coach or assistant coach’s child will only be placed on the team
provided the parent of the player consents to such selection prior to the draft. Parental consent must be done in
writing or if by phone, made directly to the league registrar. The registrar will note consent on registration form and
initial notation.
II. First time players U-10 and younger must play in their designated age group with the exception that the retention player for a coach.
III. Each team may have only one non-rated player as an option player. Should a team attempt to bring into the draft 2 or more non-rated players, each additional player will be rated a 3 in competitive age groups.
IV. If you pick a medical release flagged as a Brother/Sister option, both players will be assigned to your team. Subject to the maximum allowed under rule # 1.
V. If a parent requests that a child not be assigned to a particular coach, the child’s medical release will be flagged as such; each player is allowed only one exclusion. If you pick such a medical release and you are the coach named, you will pick again. If this is the last child in the numbered bin, you will pick from the next lower numbered bin. The medical release of the player requesting the exclusion will be placed back in the appropriate bin for the next coach selecting. If there is no other selection available, the coach has the option to pass.
VI. During the draft, a coach has the option of exclusion of one player from his team. The procedures outlined in number 6 for player/coach exclusion will be followed.
VII. There will be no trading of players! The team you select at draft time is the team you will play with.
IX. If there is not a representative for the team during the draft, a Board Member will be assigned to pick for that team. No player exclusions will be allowed under this circumstance.
X. Only Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Team Representatives and Board Members are allowed at the draft or any others as approved.
XI. A parent or child should never be made aware of the child’s’ point rating. All point ratings are for the Coach, Assistant Coach, and AVYSL use only. Revelation of such point ratings to a child or parent may mean exclusion from coaching by said coach or assistant coach from AVYSL.
XII. The Board of Directors, or Draft Committee reserves the right to amend any player ratings as deemed necessary prior to the player being drafted.
XIII. Players in non-competitive age groups signing up after the initial draft will be placed on a team by the registrar as needed. Players in competitive age groups signing up after the initial draft will be placed on a team by the registrar after review from the draft committee or in the event no committee has been formed the executive board will undertake this role. Players will be place on a team in order to balance the number of players on teams in the respective age group or as necessary as determined by draft committee or executive board in the absence of a draft
A. Players being placed after the initial draft may not refuse a coach/team.
B. Coaches may not refuse a player being placed by the registrar.
XIV. Players who have left AVYSL and return without further soccer play will return with the same point rating as when they left.
A. All-Star players moving up to the next age level, their ratings will drop to the next lowest rating but not lower than a 5 rating.
B. Any player returning from club to AVYSL will be rated a 5.
C. Any new player to AVYSL with other league experience will be rated a 2 for 2 years or less experience and a 3 for over 2 years’ experience. Or as outlined in rule # 12.
D. Fall Ratings will take priority over Spring Ratings, except for new players playing soccer for the first time, during the Spring Season only, in this case, the Spring Rating will stand.
I. 50% playing time is required, 75% highly recommended.
II. Mandatory rosters are as follows; U-10 divisions, minimum of 9 players; U-12, minimum of 11 players; U-14, minimum of 14 players; U-18 divisions minimum of 14 players.
III. In the event that AVYSL is asked to send more than one team from an age group to president’s cup, the All - Star committee will evaluate the request and give a recommendation to the President of the Board of Directors. The guidelines the committee will follow are; can the additional team be competitive and is it in the best interest of the players, coaches, parents and AVYSL to send an additional team. Also, the additional players will only be selected from the remaining players on the master and supplemental lists.
IV. The AVYSL Executive Board or All-Star committee reserves the right to change player ratings as the need may dictate.
V. The AVYSL Executive Board and/or the Board of Directors reserve the right to modify or change these rules and procedures as the need may dictate.
I. All coaches (including assistants) must have a minimum of a youth module 3 and/or an “F” license and/or as required by Cal South; risk management is also mandatory. Head coach may pick only 1 assistant coach, person selected, if not a current year AVYSL coach, must meet all AVYSL and CALSOUTH requirements for coaching.
II. The All-Star coach is the winner (s) of their divisions as determined under the “Rules of Play and or Commissioner’s Cup Teams” sections of the AVYSL Rules and Regulations. In the case of playoffs, the All - Star coach will be the winner of the “A” bracket, in age divisions that send more than one team; second place coach will coach the second team.
III. Should any head coach decline the responsibility of coaching, the order of progression shall be based on the
final standings for their respective age divisions.
IV. Should any assistant decline the responsibility of coaching, the head coach may choose another assistant.
V. The All-Star coach and assistant coach must be in good standing with AVYSL: no money owed and/or have no disciplinary actions taken against them.
VI. The AVYSL Executive Board reserves the right to replace any All-Star coach or assistant coach if they believe removal would be in the best interest of the League.
VII. Any coach being rejected or removed will receive an explanation as to the reason for rejection or removal.
VIII. Additionally, to be selected as an All-Star coach, the individual must posses a “Concussion Certificate” obtained through USYouthSoccer.Org.
IX. To be selected as an All-Star coach, the individual person must posses an “E” License for age group U12 and above through CalSouth.
I. Only one voting member will be admitted to the all-star selection meeting, head coach preferred. The All- Star Coach will be allowed to have their assistant coach (s) attend.
II. Each coach may only nominate a maximum of three players from their team; a player must be a registered player for at least ¾ of the regular season to qualify for the all-star team. All players nominated will be rated a 5.
These nominations will form the master list. For U-10 division, the first three players nominated from any team will be placed on the master list, regardless of when they are nominated. After the master list has been compiled, a supplemental list will be created, any coach may discuss and elect nominees from any team (including your own, as long as it is within the age division they coached in during the regular season) for the supplemental list. Nominees should be equally balanced between offensive and defensive players to create a balanced all-star team. For the U-10 division, the team’s representative may nominate only 2 players from a team to the supplemental list.
III. Players must be in good standing with AVYSL: no money owed and/or disciplinary reports on file.
IV. First team U-12, U-14, U-17/18 coach must pick a minimum of 9 players from master list, U-10 coach must pick a minimum of 7 players from master list. Remaining players may be picked from either the master or supplemental list. Second Team Coach (if any) may draft players from those remaining on the master list or supplemental list. All-star coach and assistant (s) coach’s children are not counted as one of the top 10 or (8 for u-10), but are counted against the total number of roster players. If there is a tryout in any division, the all-star coach and
assistant(s) coaches children do not try out.
V. Once the nominations have been made for the master and supplemental list, the nominations will be closed; a. no more names will be added to the lists.
VI. If a coach must drop any player for any reason, said coach must get approval from the AVYSL President or Board of Directors.
I. XX. First team or “A” team players are rated 7 points.
II. XXI. Second team or “B” team players are rated 6 points.
III. XXII. Third team or “C” team players are rated 5 points.
I. Size # 3 ball properly inflated, not plastic.
II. Please inspect field before practice and games for safety issues.
III. Seven players on the field of play per team. Six field players designated as forward, mid-field (if applicable), or defender, and one goalie. No more than two teams can play at one scheduled time on that field. Every player should experience each position. We encourage this. We are here for the development of our players. Note: goalies must be changed every quarter. This means no player during the game can be goalie twice in a game. Exception is in tournament play. All players must play at least 50% of each game. By using your game card, you will be able to keep track of your players’ time. You must also follow rule 13 (E) and (F) of the AVYSL Rules and Regulations with regards to player time. No player shall play less than 50% of each game unless in writing by parent and board approval.
IV. If the league is unable to schedule a referee, both teams must supply a referee, the Coach, Asst. Coach or Parent. If the Coach is the Referee then home team Coach will ref first half, visitor Coach will ref second half of game. The assistant coach can be placed behind your team’s goal (not on the field of play) to instruct. Coaching must be at the sidelines only and no further than the penalty line (referred to as 18-yard line) up and down their side of the field.
V. Throw in must be done properly, no lifting of feet, throw with two hands coming from behind head releasing the ball before crossing the touchline. Each player is to rotate to having a turn at throwing the ball in so that every player has opportunity to practice this. Each player may have one “Do Over” per throw-in, so teach proper throw-ins at practice and your games will not be delayed.
VI. Game time is a running clock and does not stop for any reason.
25-minute halves
12.5-minute quarters
5-minute half time
Clock starts at time game is scheduled and ends 55 minutes after scheduled time. Please, no exception. Be on time for games. If a major injury happens do not move the player. Wait for proper medical attention. The game is suspended and a field Marshall will check the situation and determine the restart of game. After games do your Cheer in a good sporting way, organize cleanup, and leave playing field promptly so the next team can getstarted.
VII. Penalties: All penalty kicks shall be indirect (which means another player on the field of play must touch the ball before a goal may be scored). A kicker may not touch the ball a second time until another player has (that player has to be on the field of play). Opposing team must position at least eight yards away from placement of the ball exception is: In he penalty box there it must be half the distance to the goal or greater between the opposing players and the goal. Other than in the penalty area the ball is always placed where the foul occurred. Any penalty
in the penalty area or goal area must be brought out to the penalty line closest to the infraction for the penalty kick. If further explanation is needed contact coordinator or director of coaches.
VIII. The keeper may not drop kick or punt ball; they can throw, roll, dribble or pass the ball while dribbling. All opposing players must be behind the “build-out” line. The keeper does have the choice to wait until the opposing team is behind the “build-out” line. If the keeper decides to play the ball beforehand, the ball is live and the opposing team may attack regardless if they had reached the “build-out line. See additional rules provided by CalSouth.
IX. Offside can only occur on your attacking side of the half line with less than 2 players in front of you, exception is, if the ball is ahead of you at all times. With that in mind there is no offside in U-8; exception is if this is done for tactical reasons. This means you cannot place a player down by your opponent’s goal just so they can score. If the coach places a player in offside position for any reason, an indirect kick will be awarded to opposing team. If a player, due to lack of experience, enters offside position, this will not be considered offside, no penalty will be assessed, play
on. Offside can be a difficult concept to some parents (still to this day) they do not quite understand it. But, in U-10’s you and your players will need to understand this concept. Starting with the sixth game you should enforce off sides. If a player is offside by 1 yard this will not be considered offside. Any further and you should consider it. Remember a player not in the play (or effecting the play) in the offside position should not be called for offside.
X. Yellow Card rule, there is no red or yellow card unless a license referee does the game. With that in mind we call this the “time out rule” if a player is uncontrollable (may cause harm to others or himself) their coach can invoke a time out for that player who must sit down for a cooling off period. Recommend a minute first offense. Us e this sparingly, please. Remember a player must play 50 % of the game or more, unless in writing by parent and board approval. If a player does this twice in one game they sit for longer period on the third time they can be removed from the game.
Remember, you must report in writing after the game to your coordinator, include the player removed, why, when, did you talk with the parents (this should be done on the sidelines separate from others), what was the result of that talk. Coordinator will inform director of coaches who informs the board. Note two things: Coaches may sub at this time, but the same player that went in, must go out when that disciplined player comes back. 2nd this rule is for safety; not to gain tactical advantage. If it is determined that a player was removed not for disciplinary reason, but to gain advantage, that coach will be written up and put before a review committee and may have findings before a disciplinary committee. (This can get ugly). Use this rule only as a last resort.
XI. Running up the score will not be tolerated. You must take whatever action necessary to keep all game scores with reasonable range. No score should be more than eight (8) goals above the other teams.
XII The conduct of sideline spectators, which include parents, is the responsibility of each coach. This includes enforcing no dogs, no smoking, no drinking, and no foul, abusive or unsporting language. Encourage onlypositive comments.
XIII. All coaches must have a risk management card and have it available at every game, and soccer event that you are coaching.
XIV. All coaches, assistant coaches, and trainers in this division must have a coach’s license of at lease youth module 2 and/or as required by CalSouth.
XV. Home team sidelines are South or West depending on the direction of the field. You have first half kickoff; 2nd half you change goals. If you are visitor, your sidelines are either south or west depending on direction of the field. You have choice of attacking goal first half, which automatically reverses for the 2nd half, and you have 2nd half kickoff.
XVI. All complaints are to be directed to your coordinators. From there, if you are not satisfied with the conclusion youmay submit in writing, your complaint to the Director of Coaches for review.
XVII. This is a NONCOMPETITIVE, instructional only age division.
Only the top two teams in each division (Rec. and/or Girls) after the playoffs will advance to the
Commissioner’s Cup Tournament.
I. Six players per side, including the goalie. Size #3 Ball.
II. Total game time is 45-minutes with 10-minute quarters and a 5-minute half-time break. Please police your fields for
trash after your game.
III. Must use a different player in the goal each quarter for a total of 4 different children as goalie.
IV. All players must play at least 50% of each game. By using your game card, you will be able to keep track of your players’ time. You must also follow rule 13 (E) and (F) of the AVYSL Rules and Regulations with regards to player time. No player shall play less than 50% of each game unless in writing by parent and board approval.
V. Home team starts the game with kickoff at the centerline.
VI. Visitor starts the second half of the game with kickoff at centerline.
VII. Coaches are to referee one half of the game. (Home team 1st half, Visitor 2nd half)
VIII. Players will perform throw-ins for reentry of the ball that is kicked over the touchline by the opposing team.
IX. A goal kick will result when the ball is kicked past the goal line by the attacking team.
X. A corner kick will result when the ball is kicked past the goal line by the defending team.
XI. Assistant coach or parent designated by the coach may stand next to the team’s goal for instructional purposes.
XII. Goalie is allowed to use hands in designated goal box. The goalie may roll out or throw the ball to continue play. Outside the goal box, the goalie may use their feet only to control the ball.
XIII. Once the goalie has possession of the ball, attacking of the ball must be stopped. There is to be no physical contact by the opposing players with the goalie.
XIV. There are no penalty kicks or direct kicks in this division. Penalty infractions result in a dropped ball to restart the game. Coaches/Referees make sure the players understand the infraction and have the involved players shake hands before the ball is dropped.
XV. No slide tackling, pushing, high kicking, hip checking, or tripping allowed. Play must be kept instructional, not physical.
XVI.No official score is kept; this is a non-competitive fun division only. With that in mind, we understand that spectators and the children will keep an unofficial score, so No running up the score is allowed. A high score advantages only frustrates and humiliates the other team. An advantage of more than eight (8) goals over your opponent is considered running up the score.
XVII. At the end of the game, teams line up and shake hands at the centerline to demonstrate “Good Sportsmanship”
I. 4 players per side, size #3 balls.
II. 35-minute match w/15-minute halves, 5-minute half time break. Please police your fields for trash after your game.
III. At least 50% playing time for each player.
IV. No goal keeper.
V. Home team starts game with kickoff at centerline.
VI. Visitor starts second half of the game with kickoff at centerline.
VII. Second half change goals.
VIII. Perform kick-ins for re-entry of a ball that exited over the touch line.
IX. Keep defenders out of goal box.
X. One coach on the field during the game, one coach may be back by goal box, for positive instructions.
XI. Drop ball for re-entry of the ball when it exits over the goal line.
XII. No penalty shots.
XIII. No corner kicks.
XIV. No heading.
XV. No slide tackling.
XVI. No pushing, high kicking, hip checks or tripping allowed.
XVII. No score is kept; this is a non-competitive, fun only division.
XVIII. At the end of the game, line up team and shake hands at the centerline to demonstrate “Good Sportsmanship”.
In the event a playoff situation exists, as determined at the beginning of the Fall Season in the Rec. and or Girls under 10 divisions, (A playoff situation is when there are 2 separate groups within the age division, as an example under 10 rec. if due to an exceptional number of teams two separate groups of teams are divided out for regulation play as in a BLUE group made up of 10 teams and a RED group made up of 10 teams). The following will be followed. The Board of Directors will determine the number of Teams that will compete in the e playoffs. The games will be played in a Round
Robin Format.
The under 10-division playoff scoring system will be as follows:
6 points for a win
0 points for each loss
3 points for a tie
1 point for each goal up to 3 goals
1 point for a shutout
The winner of a game will receive 6 points for the win and 1 point for each goal up to a maximum of 3 goals. 1 additional point will be awarded for a shutout, for a maximum of 10 points possible. The losing team will only receive 1 point for each goal up to a maximum of 3 goals.
If there is a tie each team will receive 3 points for the tie and 1 point for each goal up to a maximum of 3 goals, for a maximum of 6 points possible. In the event of a 0/0 tie each team will receive a maximum of 3 points. The final standings will be determined in the following order: - except as indicated below in case of tie, then standings will be determined at the end of the tie breaker game.
First Place – team with most points
Second Place – team with second most points
Third Place – team with third most points
In the event of a tie for first place, the two teams will play a sudden death, golden goal game. The game will be played with two 10 minute halves, the first team to score in either half will be declared the winner and awarded first place, the other team will be declared the second-place team. Should neither team score during the game, there will be a shootout from the penalty spot. 4 players will be selected from each team and will rotate penalty shots; any regular season player may play in the goal. The team with the most goals scored during the shootout will be declared first, the other team will be second. Should the teams still be tied after the shootout, a coin toss will determine first And second place.
In the event that there is a clear first place team and a tie for second place, the above procedure will be followed, with the winner declared the second-place team and the other team declared the third-place team. Only the top two teams in each division (Rec. and/or Girls) after the playoffs will advance to the Commissioner’s Cup Tournament
I. Coaches will be allowed to bring in a complete U-10 and older team as defined below prior to the draft. The team must be made up of players from a single age division (i.e. all U-10, U-12.) and will be required to play one age division up. (i.e. If you bring in an Under 10 team they will be required to play in the Under 12 division.) All new players as defined below that are members of the team brought in will be rated as a three (3).
II. No team will be allowed to sign up as a team if they are unable to meet the minimum number of players required for the age group they would be playing in (as determined by the registrar) prior to the draft.
III. The coach of the team will need to provide written consent from at least one of each player’s parents’ stating they want their child to play on the team and understand that their child will be playing in an older age division. The written consent is required prior to assigning the player to the coaches’ team.
IV. The rules above are in addition to the Draft Rules & Procedures and only apply to the spring season. Definitions (For the sole use of Spring Draft Rules & Regulations)
TEAM - a Team is defined as “meets the minimum number of players required as determined by the registrar for the age group intended on playing in. I.e. if u-12 age group minimum players is determined to be 13 then a team for that age group would need to come in with a minimum of 13 players.
NEW PLAYER - is a player that has not played in our league before and/or does not have a current rating. SPRING SEASON - is the soccer season that runs from March to June.
I. During spring season play, all Coed teams will be required to maintain a minimum number of girls on the field throughout the game. The AVYSL Board will make every effort to determine this number of girls during or before the draft of spring season teams but reserves the right to enact or change this number at any time, as need dictates.
II. In the event that one of the competing teams cannot field the minimum number of girls due to absences beyond the control of the head coach, the two teams will each maintain at least the same number of girls playing on the field throughout the game. This number is to be equal to the maximum number of girls available to play for the team with the fewest girls. As an example, if the required minimum number of girls is 4 but one team can only field 3, then both teams will play at least 3 girls on the field throughout the game.
III. Nothing in these rules prevents a team from choosing to play more girls than the other team during the game.
IV. In the event that one of the competing teams cannot match the number of boys due to rule B (above) being
applied to any particular game, the team that cannot field the required minimum number of girls will be
required to play one boy player down. As an example, team “A” can only field 2 girls and has 9 boys available
and team ”B” could field the required number of girls but can only field 8 boys then team “A” must play one boy
down. This rule only applies if rule B is enacted during the game.
V. Any coach/team official found deliberately encouraging girls not to show up to games will be subject to disciplinary action as determined by the Review/Disciplinary Committee and or Board of Directors, actions may include game forfeiture, suspension or removal from AVYSL.